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Physical newspaper now! (ONLY in Bogota - Colombia)

Many schools in Bogotá have ways of entertaining and informing their students, teachers and staff about the things that are happening around them. Sometimes we see games, YouTube channels, newspapers and even gossip. These...


1. María José Zárate and Carolina París- Who is Going

to Save Bogota From The Traffic Jam?


2. María Alejandra Bernal and Sara Vásquez- What is

Happening to Colombia? 


3. Mariana Olano and Valentina Andrade - The Police in Its Labyrinth


4. María José Sanabria and Xamy López - Agriculture Strike: Seen from the Point of View of Citizens


5. Laura Valencia and Natalia Valderrama - Acid: The Mortal Substance


6. Ana Solano and Susana Cañon - Will ELN ever stop? -Traffic accidents in Colombia


7. Bianca Díaz and Isabela Hormaza - Is The Government Aware of The Situation of The Farmers?



8. Valentina Mesias, Camila Delgado and María Camila Hoyos - A new superhero 


9. María Camila Bolivar and Maria Paula Díaz - What Is Happening To Society?


10. Mariana Restrepo and María Lopera - Did You Know About The Conflict Between U.S.A. and Russia?


11. Isabella Cartagena and Camila Navarro -  Will ELN ever stop?


12. Juliana Gnecco, Juanita Orrego and María José Fonseca - The terror of acid attacks 


13. Andrea Ortiz and Vanessa Gil - Police Efforts and Shames

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