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The Police in Its Labyrinth

BY: Valentina Andrade & Mariana Olano

Colombia is a country in which many problems occur daily, police are the managers of solving them and of keeping a safe country. There are a lot of types of policemen from a traffic officer to a colonel, but their object is the same for all, maintain the public order and ensure the security of citizens in accordance with the orders. Although they all have the same purpose, problems can be presented and they could hurt someone.


From the position of a citizen can be seen that problems are presented in the police, problems as organization, coordination, communication and more. According to Angela Masmela, a lady that works at the “super intendencia” company, Police might have some problems but all that they do is for the security of citizens. This proves that Police can make mistakes but their purpose is going to be the same in every decision they make. In the page some images show an award to the best leaders of the country, this shows that is good to make this because it encourages police to do a better job.

Actually do not forget what you never had, but since people born, feel always in a permanent sense of insecurity.

Parents have to talk to their children about the time of terrorism and today the much-vaunted peace process is the end of terrorism, but what citizens want is the peace process to end the unsafe streets.


Citizens know that efforts are being made, and that we can not judge all policemen, because of some of them, but this is clearly not enough. The policeman, for example devised the " quadrants" to give the feeling to be closer to the citizens, but that efforts are lost because of some citizens that maybe do not deserve be called "Colombians" and the policeman that let them free after commit a crime. Finally citizens have to be concient that the change it’s in our hands and that just us with the help of policeman can make this country everyday better.



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