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A New Superhero

BY: Valentina Mesias, Maria Camila Hoyos, & Maria Camila Delgado

Anna Vougth visited some parts of Colombia to be a volunteer. She went to help people that need aid because the nature destroyed their houses. For that She gave food, build houses and care of the kids , She gave love everyone and tried to get a smile for other places that needed it.


Manpujan, Tolú, Arroyos, Cartagena and other places where some of the places that She visited. She said she was happy and proud of her because this was the thing that She wanted to make, helping people is a wonderfull thing that people casn make for others.


On of all the volunteers of Anna Vogth did, was in Manpujan. She said that she learned everyday with those people, like stories of community leaders and their struggle for justice that has been .incorporated into the tradition. Everybody has something to share, and sessions are long and loud.


Anna Vogot is a good example for all people specially for the kids, because She helped to improve others people life´s and the Colombians image is changing.


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