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What Is Happening To Society?

BY: Maria Paula Diaz & Maria Camila Bolivar

Acids attacks affected Colombian people in 2014 by burning parts of their body, this is a current problem nowadays because they made lots of damage to people. According to the article of "El Tiempo" that have said that the aggressor of Natalia Ponce has mental problems. In a popular case the victims that had been attacked like Flor Maria, had been undergone go surgeries, according to Giovanna Yayguaje. " The government of Colombia has tried to establish measures about this cases related by increasing sanctions and control the sale of substances ".Giovanna also talks about how in the last 10 years these have been increasing these attacks. "In 2014 the figure reported by Legal Medicine approached the 1000 cases" "Do not know any victim personally, but many of the news that have been published, mostly women". After she made her own opinion.


"Definitely felt that people performing such attacks if they have serious psychological problems. Unfortunately the police does little to prevent these attacks because they would have a psychological profile of those who might be attackers and that is impossible". 

The attack Natalia Ponce de Leon is an unacceptable crime which served to raise public awareness about these events, but still no effective results that indicate that it is a controlled item. This attack are decreasing because of the Colombian government effort to end the attacks. 

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