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Many schools in Bogotá have ways of entertaining and informing their students, teachers and staff about the things that are happening around them. Sometimes we see games, YouTube channels, newspapers and even gossip. These things play a key role in the school´s daily life. But are they important? If they are, how important? Games, YouTube channels and gossip are not so important, since they sometimes lack substance. However, all these things named above are talked about in the newspaper, since it is more useful, that is why seventh grade did it.


There are many kinds of newspapers, the ones that are done by teachers, the ones done by students and the most known one: the newspaper that is written by professional journalists and goes out to the public. They all talk about different things, such as international and national problems; as well as good news. Some of them talk about big things, like natural disasters, wars and hunger. Some concentrate on small things and small places, like a neighbourhood, or even a school. I Forgot is a small newspaper that talks about big things, such as traffic jams, accidents, strikes and other problems in Colombia.


While working on I Forgot, we improved and practiced our writing, learned about different topics and problems, enforced our journalism and communication skills, and met new people and places. Plus, we had a very good time while doing all these things. Others schools can do the same and gain as much knowledge as we did. Schools are sometimes too big; students, teachers, workers and staff do not know what is happening around them. In those cases, a newspaper is necessary to inform and establish communication between the institutions.


We interview some people, asking them what they think about a newspaper. Most of them told us that it was a communication medium and an informational channel, used to know about interviews, opinions, investigations, present, fashion, culture, offers, etc. It is very important that a newspaper gives you daily information of any topic. The news must be true, current and instantaneous. According to Gabriel Garcia Marquez: ´´In journalism just one fact that is false prejudices the entire work. In contrast, in fiction one single fact that is true gives legitimacy to the entire work. That´s the only difference and it lies in the commitment of a writer. A novelist can do anything he wants as long as he makes people believe in it.´´


Why Is It Important to Write a Newspaper?

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