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Will It Ever Stop? -Traffic Accidents in Colombia

BY: Ana Solano & Susana Canñon

The traffic accidents are a big cause of deaths in the country but according to the magazine "Semana", traffic accidents have decreased a lot the last year.


According to the magazine "Semana", traffic accidents decrease in a 65% last year in the country. People think that it could decrease even more because people understand the trancit rules with more awareness. The traffic accidents has decrease in a good way thanks to the driving schools that teach drivers better the rules and to be more careful while driving. The police also make a good work keeping better watch and teaching the rules to the drivers. People think it is needed more education and the information for all drivers. If there is more education, there is more awareness and less accidents are caused.


According to Marcela Castillo (lawyer): drunk drivers are a big cause of accidents in the country. A way to reduce drunk drivers is to impose severe penalities on those who drive under the influence of alcohol, people need to be responsable and to understand that it is bad not just for the person, but also for the surroundings.


According to Police, drunk drivers are the ones who cause more accidents and deaths people need more consciousness about their actions. There is no special place to teach  drunk drivers to have control and not going under the wheel when they are under the influence of alcohol. More eficient punishments are needed to proportionate less accidents in the country.


In the holidays such as "Semana Santa" or "Puente de Reyes" and more, happen most of the accidents in the year. Because of the special dates many people travel and more accidents can occur. According to police, some of this accidents are caused by people under the influence of alcohol, the presure and necesity of arriving on time to their meetings, the speed is one of the causes of accidents on this dates.


According to a "Semana" article, the road between Cartagena and Barranquilla is called "the road of death" because is a very dangerous road, lots of vehicles crash there.


In order to keep decreasing traffic accidents, people need to think about others and not just themselves and the police has to keep straight all the trancit rules.


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