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Did You Know About The Conflict Between U.S.A. and Russia?

BY: Mariana Restrepo & Maria Lopera

In this paragraph is all you need to know about this conflict.

According to John Kerry, a reporter from United States, president of this country revived a call in Wednesday 22 telling that Mr.Layrov was not happy with the conditions in Russia about violence in Ukraine. After that call, the president was worried with a "deep concern", with that the serious problem started. Russian people start making their own revolution and disasters do the president could blame U.S.A about this conflict.


In this United States has other problems with other countries but the problem with Russia Is huge. The place where it started is unknown. Now the conflict "ended" but are grudges between them. Re conflict was 30 years ago approxinelly and is the first and only conflict that Russia haved with United States. 


This was a very long and expensive problem that wasn't finished at all. This problem doesn't affect other counties but was known by many newspaper in all the world.



According to John Kerry: "No nations should threaten its neighbours by troops in the border. We will call on Russia o pull these forces back. We will call on Russia to  stop supporting men, hiding behind masks, sowing unrest in eastern Ukraine".


However, the hail passed 20 years, and not seen again a fight like it was. But also was a little fight because of what? We don't know... 


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