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Who is Going to Save Bogotá From The Traffic Jam?

BY: Maria José Zarate & Carolina Paris

During the last 10 years Bogotá‘s mayors have tried to solve traffic chaos for more than 8 million people , but reality shows that congestion has doubled over the past 10 years .


 Strategies implemented by mayors and its Governments like building hundreds of kilometers of sidewalks, Transmilenio (rapid bus transit system), Pedestrian Street, bicycle paths and restrictions of private car use, have been implemented, but have failed.


 Natalia Abello Vives, the head of the Ministry of Transport, claims that economic growth has increased the number of vehicles and motorcycles in Bogotá.  Minister Abello also explains that the fast development of the city and greater number of vehicles and motorcycles impact citizens lives.


A survey done by the Mayor of Bogotá, highlighted that drivers and customers of public transportation are spending on average a full work week stocked in traffic.  This situation is overwhelming and affecting citizens health.


Gustavo Petro Bogota´s Mayor, has made plans to save traffic congestion in Bogotá.  His plans require investment and patience building Transmilenio lines is a fast and cheap way to create order and expand capacity on Bogotá’s avenues.  

 Bogotá’s Government is expecting that once they are construct the new Transmilenio lines, less people will use their cars and motorcycles.


  Many people are trying to save Bogotá from the monster traffic jam.  The Government, the mayor and its team, have been working constructing sidewalks, bicycle paths, increasing Transmilenio lines, establishing pico y placa restrictions, to save the city from traffic chaos.  If   solutions   do not  come soon nobody will avoid the monster traffic jam to grow.  Traffic is an atomic bomb if it is not stopped.  It will explode.

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