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Police Efforts and Shames

BY: Andrea Ortiz & Vanessa Gil

Despite the efforts of the policemen to improve security conditions in the city, several episodes led by some of the members of the police in the last few days and  in which apparently exceed the use of their power and forces, have placed the institution in a bad position.


The most recent incident with policemen was recorded on a video, in which four soldiers are shaking “Javier Mauricio Peña”, nurse regulatory center of emergency, who was addressing the excesses that were presented in portal 80, last Tuesday afternoon. Although the video only shows struggle, but it doesn’t shows the reasons for the confrontation. It shows how both, policemen and citizen fight to prove their forces.


According to Esteban Loboguerrero, a student from Jorge Tadeo Lozano university, “I have seen so many critical issues, most of them in the city center”, in this event he starts to explain that he doesn´t think the policemen use their power as they are supposed to use it. Policemen start fighting but they don´t understand they have to help the citizen, not giving him more trouble”, said Esteban.


 As a conclusion for this we can say that policemen are trying to do their work but they don´t measure their power, and in one moment the fight of power could make the problems worse. Policemen abuse of their power when they are trying to solve a problem, making it bigger every time.


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