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Acid: The Mortal Substance

BY: Laura Valencia & Natalia Valderrama

  Danger that women is taking in Colombia is high now days. This shows what acid attacks had been caused to women targeted with this substances; this is a big problematic that causes women to be in risk every day. Government has been involved on this topic many times but they are not taking steps to find a solution to control this problematic, involving the attackers an the attacked.


           Acid attacks are caused by men that have conflicts with their couples; other cases are presented because of people that attack woman in the streets by any reason. The acid attacks in Colombia had been increased on 2013 to 2014. Men that attack woman don’t have any punishment, because the attacked dose not denounce what has been happened. Bogotá is one of the must dangerous places in Colombia, especially at the south.


           Victims of acid attacks are demanding for solutions that change many aspects that cause this attacks; like the illegal sale of these dangerous substances, the facility to buy the acids, or the many places to buy these articles. This manifest what women are passing through, this situations are not only physical they are psychological.



According to Paola Molina: “People that are interested on this situation are searching a way to stop the attacks to women. A solution to stop this attacks would be to make a license for the buyers and sellers, this could be a way to decrease the illegal purchase and sale of such substances; other way to decrease this sales

would be to punish does sellers; and leave a precedent, as is done with other crimes. This could be some of many ways to stop this problematic.”


Cases like Natalia Ponce de Leon are very famous. She is an incredible woman that continue with her life even though, she is interested about all the other cases that are out there and people do not look beyond the little surface damage; this physical damage is not the only thing this girls deal with every day after the event, they deal with their selves.


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